Our Mission as a movement of churches is making passionate disciples of Jesus Christ, and our Vision is to serve together to ensure every church has unforgettable Kingdom impact.
Your local church seeks to reach your neighbours and neighbourhoods with the gospel of Jesus Christ, discipling them to become devoted followers. Fellowship Regions and Fellowship National exist to support the work of your local church in touching the world. The primary responsibilities of Regions and National are highlighted below.

Church Planting
Fellowship Regions assist local churches with recruiting, training, resourcing and coaching in the church planting process. As a movement, we are committed to planting churches that impact our culture.
Research shows that planting new churches can be a highly effective evangelistic method. New churches allow the reaching of the unchurched with the gospel in fresh, creative ways. Regional staff come along side churches that are desiring to plant churches to give essential wisdom and guidance in the process.

Church Health
Fellowship Regions serve the local church by offering tools that help nurture and cultivate vibrant, spiritual communities.
Regions desire to help each congregation more effectively join God in His mission for the Church. God has a clear mission for every church that focuses on the great commission and great commandment, and God is most honoured when the local church proactively builds Christ’s Kingdom in their own community and beyond. One of the key tools used by regional representatives in assisting churches in church health is church consultations. The following information gives an overview of the church consultation process:
Phase 1 of Consultation Process: Congregational Self-Study
The first phase of the consultation process requires the church leadership to share the task of assembling a variety of information. This information is used to determine the life cycle of the church, the current state of the church, and the trends within the church and local community.
Phase 2 of the Consultation Process: Congregational and Staff Survey
The second phase of the consultation process is first surveying the entire congregation. This needs to be competed 6–8 weeks before the consultation weekend. The leadership chooses a particular Sunday, (letting the congregation know ahead of time), to have the surveys filled out. Surveys can be completed either in hard copy of on line. The results are then tabulated for use in Phase 3.
Phase 3 of Consultation Process: Consultation Weekend
The third phase of the consultation process is a weekend that is set aside for the actual consultation and discussion. Usually this will include interviews with the pastor and some key leaders on Friday, followed by a larger focus group discussion taking place on Friday night. Saturday is spent with leaders (pastors, staff, and key influencers) in the congregation. It is primarily a training day, about what a biblically healthy church looks like.
Sunday is a key day in the weekend consultation. One person from the consultation team will preach in the Sunday service, clarifying the urgency of becoming risk takers for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Also, the team will meet with the pastor to review the report that will be given to the church. Finally there is about a 90 minute town-hall meeting with the congregation to go over the report, answering questions that they may have. Typically, the report will state four to six strengths of the church, limitations in current ministry, and prescriptions for their future.
Phase 4 of the Consultation Process: Covenant and Coaching
In the final phase of the consultation process, the region will commit to helping the church find coaching and offer appropriate training events.

Leadership Development
Fellowship Regions are committed to helping churches raise up and equip effective leaders, providing resources and opportunities so that they can in turn help others grow.
Developing effective leaders can impact the growth of local church ministries and prepares the next generation of passionate followers of Jesus Christ. These leaders will include the lead pastors, church staff, church planters, missionaries and chaplains of tomorrow who will help take the gospel to our nation and the world. Key tools in this area include intentional internships, leadership conferences and seminars, coaching of new pastors by seasoned pastors, and developing networks for support, encouragement and resourcing.

Fellowship National provides a wide variety of opportunities for churches to fulfill the great commission, including international, Francophone and chaplaincy ministries. Internationally, Fellowship International partners with churches to reach lost people and establish vibrant churches globally. Within Canada, Francophone Ministries are helping take the gospel to Francophone Canadians, the least-reached people group in North America, while Fellowship Chaplaincy seeks to enable chaplains to demonstrate the love of Christ where people live and work.

FAIR exists to alleviate human suffering and social injustice, and seeks to be the key channel through which Fellowship churches provide humanitarian aid in Christ’s name.
Fellowship Aid and International Relief (FAIR) will intentionally pursue:
1. Prayer
We value intercessory prayer as key to accomplishing our mission
2. People
We value the poor and marginalized and seek to meet the humanitarian needs of suffering people
3. Partnerships
We value the family relationship we have with Fellowship churches, Fellowship mission personnel and Fellowship partners that work through local churches.
4. Projects
We value relief projects and sustainable aid programs that alleviate suffering, empower others and do not create dependency.
5. Priority
We value the priority of spiritual transformation and understand relief and aid to be both the 'fruit of the Gospel' as well as creating opportunities for Gospel proclamation.
Empowering Others for God’s Mission
Fellowship Aid and International Relief, partners with our sending churches, our mission personnel and National or International partners to alleviate human suffering as an expression of Christ's compassion.
Through the creation of relief projects and aid programs connected to the local church, we desire to develop opportunities for the discipling of the nations.

Fellowship Services
The Fellowship Services department assists all National ministries of the Fellowship by ensuring the highest standards of Biblical Stewardship, accounting best practices, and relevant services to our member churches, church staff, missionaries, National office employees, and donors.
Fellowship Services provides health and pension plans to our church staff, missionaries and National office employees, provides the accounting needs of all Fellowship National departments, and ensures the highest standards of accountability and transparency in every aspect of the donation process. Services also provides advice to church treasurers and church boards regarding best practices, along with financial support for Regional church planting initiatives and church building projects.
1. Show this video in your church, small groups, membership classes and to your church board.
2. Have a Regional or National representative attend your church to speak at a service.
3. Email your congregation with the link to this website.
4. Pray for our movement of 500+ churches.